Zoning Board of Appeals


  • Meets as needed
  • 14 Sponable Drive
    P.O. Box 798
    Port Byron, NY 13140


  • Lucy Ware, Chairman
  • Joe Felice
  • Robert Warrick
  • William Mammoliti

The primary purpose of a Zoning Board of Appeals (ZBA) is to review and decide appeals from property owners regarding zoning decisions made by local officials, essentially acting as a forum to grant variances or exceptions to zoning regulations when a property owner faces a unique hardship due to the existing zoning rules, allowing them to potentially develop their land in a way that would otherwise be prohibited.

Key points about the ZBA:

  • Reviews appeals:

    The board hears appeals from property owners who believe a zoning decision regarding their property is unfair or incorrect. 

  • Grants variances:

    In certain situations, the ZBA can grant a variance, which allows a property owner to deviate from the strict zoning requirements if they can demonstrate a unique hardship. 

  • Interpret zoning laws:

    The ZBA has the authority to interpret the local zoning ordinances and apply them to specific cases. 

  • Public hearings:

    Before making a decision, the ZBA typically holds public hearings to allow affected parties to present their arguments and concerns.