Code Enforcement Officer:

Jay Moose



The Office of Code Enforcement is located at the Town of Mentz Municipal Building. The Codes Enforcement Officer responsibility is to enforce the New York State Uniform Building and Fire Protection Code, the Code of the Town of Mentz including building codes, zoning ordinances, and multiple residency law. Duties are performed under the general direction of the Town Board.


Office Hours:

Email Code Enforcement
Fax: 776-8535


A Reminder from the Code Guy

Smoke Alarms

  1. Remember them?
  2. Where do you need them?
  3. How many?
  4. What type?

Residential locations:

  • In dwelling units
  • In each sleeping room
  • Other locations apply
  • Outside sleeping areas

Please take time to check!

Carbon Monoxide Alarms

  1. Where do you need them?
  2. How many?
  3. What type?

Residential locations:

  • Within 15 feet of every sleeping area
  • On every floor with a source of carbon monoxide
  • Other locations apply

Please take time to check!

Carbon monoxide alarms are now required in commercial buildings too! Check with your local Municipalities Code or Building Department.

Swimming Pools

Pools of any size, any shape, and any type, if capable of holding 2 feet or more of water, require:

  • A Building Permit
  • Certificate of Compliance before use
  • Installation and Electrical Inspection