Justice System


  • 6 to 8 p.m.
  • Mondays (there is no fifth Monday court)
  • 14 Sponable Drive
    Port Byron, NY 13140


  • Honorable Dennis A Ware, Justice
  • Jennifer Vizza, Court Clerk
  • Fred Whiting, Constable
  • Robert Smith, Deputy Constable

DA's Night

DA's night is the 4th Monday of each month



The court staff provides accurate records and information, manages a progressive office and maintains an efficient court while assisting the Town Justices in dispensing justice in the Mentz Town with honor, integrity and dignity.

Town Court - types of cases - including but not limited to

Criminal, Traffic and Parking matters
Violations of Town & Village Ordinances, including dog matters
Civil, Evictions and Small Claims matters

Court Schedule

Court is in session every Monday, excluding holidays and the fifth Monday of the month. The Court schedule varies; hearings, trials and small claims matters are scheduled at various dates and times as needed.