Planning Board


  • 7 p.m.
  • 2nd Wednesday of every month
  • 14 Sponable Drive
    Port Byron, NY 13140


  • Fred Whiting – Chair
  • Doug Wilson
  • Richard Burke
  • Laura Torres
  • George Ackley
  • Clerk - Caitlin Bacon

 A planning board is a group of appointed citizens responsible for guiding and overseeing the orderly growth and development of a community by creating a comprehensive plan, including zoning regulations, to manage land use and development within a municipality, typically by reviewing and making recommendations on proposed projects like subdivisions and site plans while considering the community's future needs and priorities. 

Key responsibilities of a planning board:

  • Developing a Master Plan:

    Creating a long-term vision for the community's land use, including residential, commercial, and industrial areas, transportation networks, and open spaces. 

  • Zoning Regulations:

    Reviewing and recommending zoning ordinances to regulate land use and development within different areas of the community. 

  • Site Plan Review:

    Evaluating proposed development projects like new buildings or subdivisions to ensure they comply with zoning and design standards. 

  • Subdivision Review:

    Assessing proposed land divisions to ensure proper infrastructure and compliance with regulations. 

  • Public Hearings:

    Holding public meetings to gather input from residents on proposed development projects and planning decisions. 

  • Making Recommendations:

    Presenting recommendations to the governing body regarding land use decisions based on their analysis.

Important aspects of a planning board's role:

  • Community Engagement: Actively seeking public feedback during public to be heard portion and public hearings to ensure the planning process reflects the needs and desires of residents. 
  • Sustainability Considerations: Incorporating environmental and sustainable development practices into planning decisions. 
  • Economic Development: Promoting economic growth through thoughtful land use planning. 

Meeting Minutes

Click here to access minutes