Welcome to the Town of Mentz

Quick information

Monthly Board Meetings:

7PM- Located at 14 Sponable Drive

Town Board Meetings - 3rd Tuesday 

Planning Board Meetings - 2nd Wednesday

ZBA (Zoning Board of Appeals) - as needed 

        Town Court - Mondays 6pm-8pm
                (no 5th Monday)


Office Hours for:

Assessor - Wednesday's 4PM-6PM

Code Enforcement - by appointment only


↝Please Note↜

The Town's Email address has changed!!

Update your contact list - townclerk@townofmentz.org



Town Supervisor:  Mark Emerson

Town Highway Superintendent: David Neilens

Town Clerk: Charlene Wood

Town Clerk's Hours

Monday  9 a.m. to noon

Tuesday 9 a.m. to noon, 1 to 4 p.m.

Wednesday 1 to 5 p.m.

Thursday and Friday 1 to 4 p.m.



Mentz Town Sign.jpg


The Town of Mentz is located in Central Cayuga County, New York. The town was formed in 1802 as the "Town of Jefferson" from the town of Aurelius while still part of Onondaga County. In 1808, it assumed its current name.

The first permanent settlers arrived in 1810, although others had attempted to settle the area previously.

In 1837, the community of Port Byron set itself apart from Mentz by incorporating as a village.  The Erie Canal was moved to include the Seneca River in 1856.

In 1859, part of the town was used to form the towns of Montezuma and Throop.    

 There are a number of people who can trace their roots back to Port Byron or who settled here for a while. Before he was a leader of the Mormon faith, Brigham Young lived here in the early 1830s. He was a painter and builder. One of the early buildings he lived in still exists on Pine Street. Henry Wells of "Wells Fargo" fame also lived here in the early 1830s. We can trace Isaac Singer of sewing machine fame here in 1837.     Opera singer Richard Bonelli was born here as Jacob Bunn.

The New York State Thruway (interstate 90) crosses the town, following along the original path of the Erie Canal. New York State Route 31 (east-west) crosses New York State Route 38 at Port Byron.

Coordinates: 43°2′25″N 76°37′44″W